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About Me

I’m an integrated M.S. and B.S. Cybersecurity Analytics and Operations Major at Penn State University Park and I expect to graduate in 2025. I’m motivated through self study and enjoy learning and experimenting with new tools. I’ve found this to be a fun way to document and share my projects and experiences, which has helped further my understanding as well. Apart from cybersecurity, I love SCUBA Diving, reading sci-fi and horror, and playing games like Animal Crossing, Tetris, and Stardew.

What I do

Competitive Cybersecurity Organization

In addition to my coursework, I’m the President of the Competitive Cybersecurity Organization (CCSO). Through my roles at CCCSO I’ve created and planned general body meetings, managed a team of ~12 chairs and executive board members, organized and ran teams for cybersecurity competitions, and managed other ad hoc projects such as club merch. I’ve served on teams for CCDC, CPTC, Cyberforce, ISTS, Hack the Port, and various other competitions. CCSO has brought me together with amazing friends and provided wonderful opportunities to travel and compete against other institutions, it’s been one of the most significant parts of my college experience.

Instructional Assistant

I currently serve as an Instructional Assistant for the Java Courses IST242 and IST140. In addition to grading and providing feedback on programming assignments and quizzes, I regularly hold office hours and provide a 1:1 environment for students to get help with the course.

Lynnhaven Dive Center

I’ve been diving since age 10 with LDC, and now serve as a full-time sales associate, and divemaster during the summer. As a divemaster I lead open-water dives, assist with course instruction, and work with individuals in the water. As someone passionate about the underwater world, I enjoy sharing my experience with others and helping them along their own SCUBA adventures.